Saturday, January 19, 2019

My Productivity Partner

  At the beginning of this school year, I was really stressed out. I had to read Moby Dick in one month. Once again, I was the only sibling at home, so I was worried that I'd fall into the loneliness that I'd felt the fall before. Not only were all my siblings gone, but my best friend left for school in Kentucky! This past fall could have been really hard.

  But it wasn't.

  My best friend and I decided to become productivity/accountability partners. That's one of the best decisions I've ever made. It was a huge blessing for two reasons:

  1. It kept me on track with my goals.
  2. It allowed me to message my best friend without feeling like I was wasting time.

  I'm so thankful to my friend for keeping me company and on track with school. We were more connected through text than we sometimes are in person because we had a shared goal- supporting one another as we got our educations. Becoming productivity partners has made my best friendship even better. It forces me to reach out, even though sometimes I'm afraid I'm bothering my friend. It allows me to support someone I really love as she works toward her goals, and it gives me someone to push me toward mine. 

Monday, December 31, 2018

2018 in books

An old hobby I rediscovered this year was reading. I used to read constantly, but I started depriving myself of books because I didn't feel like my academic performance was worthy of the reward of pleasure reading. Funnily enough, when I started reading again, my schoolwork still got done. I was just happier.

Wuthering Heights- Emily Bronte

I'll admit, this was not my favorite book, but I'm glad I had to read it for school. It gave insight on the dynamics of unhealthy relationships, something I was healing from in the early months of this year.

Yogalosophy- Mandy Ingber

I've done yoga in the past, but it's never been more than a way to look better until this year. I did pick up Yogalosophy as a guide to losing weight, but found it to be so much more. Ingber focuses on self care, self love, and feeling good. This book is not image-focused. I read it in the spring, right after I realized that I could rest on God's unconditional love. Having such a peaceful exercise practice helped me to explore the peace God gave me and to have a more positive mind. Yogalosophy also helped warm me to meditation and plant-based eating, things I integrated more into my life as the year went on.

Coming Apart- Charles Murray

Coming Apart was the only book assigned for the first college class I ever took. It was alright; a little too libertarian for my liking. This book is significant to me because it was assigned the week of nationals. I was worried that the assignments would take me away from spending time with friends, but it really didn't feel like my friends wanted to spend time with me that particular week. Charles Murray kept me company during one of the toughest weeks of 2018. Writing about Coming Apart reminds me of a turning point in my life- I started to value my education and growth, and I started creating opportunities for myself. I had to take initiative to be able to take college classes, and during nationals, I had to push myself to make new friends. Even though I'm not in contact with those people anymore, I'm thankful for them because they helped me prove to myself that I can reach out and fix situations that upset me.

Yotsuba& (Yotsubato) Volumes 9 and 11- Kiyohiko Azuma

I reread these two volumes after coming home from nationals. My sister recommended these, so I read them for the third or fourth time. They filled me with such pure joy.

Sense and Sensibility- Jane Austen

Jane Austen is always a good way to develop self-love and a feeling of girl power. I am definitely like Marianne, but I'm learning to appreciate the Elinors in my life.

Liberty, Order, and Justice- James McClellan

This was the text book for the second class I took last summer. It was boring, but a really good overview of Constitutional law.

Moby Dick- Herman Melville

I don't know if I can say that I really read Moby Dick considering I mostly used Sparknotes to get through it. I think it has value, but I really didn't like it.

Sketches from Church History- S.M. Houghton

This was an average history text book, with the advantage that it was really easy to skim through.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows- J.K. Rowling

I finally finished the Harry Potter series!! I loved it so much, and the world resonated so much with me that I didn't want it to end. I just wanted to stay in the wizarding world forever. By September, though, the real world was good enough that I didn't have to hide in fictitious ones.

Summer Constellations- Alisha Sevigny

This book made me feel a little more alive. Yes, it was a trashy YA romance book, but it was an easy read that I could turn to between tasks.

everyone's a aliebn when ur a aliebn too: a book- jomny sun

This is my book of the year. It speaks to introverts, those with impostor syndrome, young people, and anyone who lives on the blue blob that's called earth. This book is just weird enough to be real. It breaks you and puts you back together better than you were before. I love this book so much that I read it twice, and it's a bit of a security blanket. I want to let my siblings and friends borrow it, but I don't want them to take it too far away from me. Seeing jomny in my book basket just makes me feel happy and secure. I cannot recommend this book enough.

United States History- Tim Keesee

The worst, most biased text I've ever had to read for school. Keesee empathized more with slave owners than civil rights leaders. Do not use Bob Jones texts!!!

OCDaniel- Wesley King

I started to read this in May, as I was struggling with anxiety, and I finished it in October, after my mental health had improved significantly. It was so heartening to see how far I'd come and that I'd never been alone. OCDaniel is at the middle school reading level, but the content is pretty mature. I recommend it to high school students.

Exploring Creation with Physics- Dr. Jay L. Wile

Physics was not my favorite course, but it prepared me for marine biology, which I'm really enjoying.

A Fate Totally Worse than Death- Paul Flieschman

This is a parody of teen horror, a genre with which I don't have any experience. I enjoyed it, though!

Pobre Ana- Blaine Ray

My Spanish teacher assigned Pobre Ana, a completely Spanish novella, to me over Thanksgiving break. It helped me enormously. By the end, I found that I didn't have to translate the words in my head; their meaning just clicked.

I Believe in a Thing Called Love- Maureen Goo

This book was fun, but very poorly written. It did get me interested in K-dramas, though. You can read my full review here.

Henry V- William Shakespeare

This is the first play I've read all the way through. I choose to read it as a criticism of war.

Sunday, December 30, 2018

2019 motto

Blog update: I haven't been using this for my daily gratitude list because sometimes the things I'm thankful for are too personal to share, and sharing my gratitude makes me focus on getting attention rather than focusing on the God who blesses me. This blog will now be about self care, intentional living, and the lessons I'm learning in my personal life.

I kind of hate New Year's. It used to be because I didn't like looking back and feeling unaccomplished. Now, it's because everyone's talking about a "fresh start" or a "clean slate." I don't want a fresh start or a clean slate. I'm so proud of and thankful for the progress I've made this year, and I want to carry it forward into 2019. I don't want to start a brand new journey when I've made strides in this one.

My motto for 2019 will be: Have faith to build upon blessings.

Let's break up what that means.

Have faith: That seems pretty obvious, but I need to be more intentional about Christian living. This spring, I was overwhelmed with the unconditional love of God and what it means for me. I felt peace, and that helped me do things that scared me. I want to carry that forward into the new year and also shape my perspective around God's perspective, my priorities around His, and my actions around Him.

to build: My life has improved dramatically, but I still have a long way to go. I need to graduate high school, apply to college, get accepted somewhere, and strike out on my own for the first time. I want to continue to build my relationships, language skills, dancing ability, etc. This coming year, I plan to continue my journey to be the person God made me to be and help make the world closer to what He made it to be.

upon blessings: It would be remiss to ignore the ways God has blessed me this year and the ways I trust He will in 2019. He gave me opportunities to meet new people, develop new skills, try new things, and take care of myself. It would also be remiss to ignore the hard work I did. I constantly pushed myself out of my comfort zone, asked for things I needed or wanted, apologized, and tried to tackle the new challenges that came my way. It was rough: I think I spent more time with anxiety stomachaches than I have any other year, and I had my first panic attack in years. I got through it, though. I was less paralyzed than I have ever been. I was less depressed than I've been in recent years. And I was so happy. When I look back at this year, I feel joy and accomplishment. I don't want to forget or move past anything I felt and did in 2018. I want to move forward with gratitude and a perspective shaped by all I've experienced this year. Next year, I want to use the things God has given me to further His kingdom and my happiness. I want to build upon my blessings so I can share the with others. I want to remember every moment of 2018 so that 2019 will be overwhelmed with gratefulness.

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

October 3rd, 2018

Today, I am thankful for
  • the ability and freedom to formulate my own opinions.
  • encouraging reading material.
  • encouragement from parents and friends.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

September twentieth, 2018

Today, I thank God for

  • opportunities to start over.
  • a safe neighborhood to walk in.
  • resources to help my learning and growth.

Monday, September 17, 2018

September eighteenth, 2018

Today, I'm thankful that

  • God gives second chances.
  • my allergies have gotten less severe.
  • I'm enjoying some of the things I have to study.

Saturday, August 25, 2018

August 25th, 2018

Today, I'm thankful for
  • technology that helps me keep in touch with loved ones far away and that makes my work a little bit easier.
  • the smell of freshly mowed grass.
  • opportunities to do good.