Saturday, January 19, 2019

My Productivity Partner

  At the beginning of this school year, I was really stressed out. I had to read Moby Dick in one month. Once again, I was the only sibling at home, so I was worried that I'd fall into the loneliness that I'd felt the fall before. Not only were all my siblings gone, but my best friend left for school in Kentucky! This past fall could have been really hard.

  But it wasn't.

  My best friend and I decided to become productivity/accountability partners. That's one of the best decisions I've ever made. It was a huge blessing for two reasons:

  1. It kept me on track with my goals.
  2. It allowed me to message my best friend without feeling like I was wasting time.

  I'm so thankful to my friend for keeping me company and on track with school. We were more connected through text than we sometimes are in person because we had a shared goal- supporting one another as we got our educations. Becoming productivity partners has made my best friendship even better. It forces me to reach out, even though sometimes I'm afraid I'm bothering my friend. It allows me to support someone I really love as she works toward her goals, and it gives me someone to push me toward mine.