Sunday, July 1, 2018

July 1st, 2018

  I recently turned eighteen. I'm so thankful I made it this far. For much of my adolescence, I couldn't see myself making it to adulthood. Fear that something would happen to me, fear of failure, and suicidal ideation kept me from seeing the best possibility- I'd be surviving and thriving on my eighteenth birthday.

  I'm incredibly grateful for how far I've come. I couldn't have done it without the hope only God can give. He gave me the drive to seek recovery and find ways to enjoy the life He's blessed me with. Even a few months ago, had the same opportunities been presented to me, I would have declined or stayed on the outside, never being present. Now, I absolutely love ballroom dancing, joking with restaurant servers, and even just leaving my house. These seem like basic human experiences, but for years, my anxiety and depression kept me from having them or enjoying them when I had them. I'm so thankful that I've healed in very real ways.

  My anxiety and depression aren't gone. Last week at nationals, I had my first panic attack in years. Normal human emotions debilitate me. These acute symptoms suck, but they remind me how vibrant and amazing the rest of my life is. I no longer have a pall that hangs over me constantly. For that, I am grateful. For this undeniably genuine period in my life, I thank my Father.

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