Monday, May 28, 2018

May 28th, 2018

I'm thankful that
  • I'm allowed to make mistakes. I don't have to be perfect.
  • my life is no longer dedicated to recovery. I always thought that my whole life would be me trying to get over my anxiety and depression, and everything I did would be a way to feel better. I don't have to recover right now because my mental illnesses have taken a backseat. They aren't driving my life right now. They're still there, but I'm in control. I'm living my life, not just surviving.
  • I have no idea what comes next. As terrifying as that is, I know everything will work out the way it's meant to. Maybe I can't imagine it because it's greater than I can know now. Even if it sucks, that will just make me work harder and be better. God has great things in store for me.

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